Bold Christian Designs for Introverts (and Extroverts)

I'm friendly, but a total introvert. Sometimes it's hard to start that conversation with a stranger at the grocery store or park. Have you noticed how people instantly connect when they see someone in a t-shirt that promotes their favorite sports team, musician, or TV show? I needed eye-catching apparel with faith-based messages that get to the point.

Make the Most of Every Conversation

Every product in our store is intended to be a conversation starter; an opportunity to tell the story of Jesus. There is power when we share what the Lord has done in our lives. There is power when we pray with someone over the circumstances in their life. There is power in building relationships with the lonely or broken-hearted. One conversation can lead to salvation.

Glorify God & Grow His Kingdom

God made it clear that Perfect Love Designs has to be about growing the Kingdom of Heaven. Saving souls will always be a higher priority than making sales. Our social media accounts are intended to glorify God and reveal His loving goodness to family, friends, and strangers. Every order is an opportunity to generously sow into God's Kingdom. God is the greatest business partner I could ever have, and I fully trust His will for Perfect Love Designs.